Heavy Duty Crankshaft Washing and Rinsing

Customers rely on Magnus Engineered Equipment’s reputation for building cleaning equipment which lasts a very long time even with extreme service. An example are these wash tanks delivered to Caterpillar for the washing of 3800 lb crankshafts. In-house made pneumatic steel cylinders are used to deliver the required lifting power without failure.

Cleco Fastener Cleaning

Often referred to as temporary rivets, cleco fasteners allow parts to be held together until the parts can be permanently bonded. Magnus Engineered Equipment worked together with the Ecolink company to develop a cleco cleaning system. Ecolink chemistry is used in a rotational cleaning system to remove residual adhesive from used cleco’s and make

High Speed Wire Cleaning

Magnus Engineered Equipment manufactures PowerSonics TM radial ultrasonic transducers. These transducers are the key component in MEE’s wire cleaning equipment and they deliver in excess of 4000 Watts/gallon of ultrasonic cleaning power. The application of high cleaning energy density from 360 degrees permits high cleaning speeds which are otherwise unattainable.

Ultrasonic Frequency in Cleaning Applications

Properly applied, ultrasonics can perform a more thorough, more complete cleaning job than any other cleaning method. Ultrasonics is a non-destructive method of cleaning which utilizes sound waves to form and implode vapor pockets on the surface of contaminated parts. This implosion results in the release of stored energy that creates a virtual scrubbing